Premature Greying

Greying takes place in a human being during the ageing process. Normally, greying of the hair depends on the genes of the person. With progress in age, it is quite natural that your hair will turn grey. It is said that a sign of grey hairs is a sign of wisdom. But it is not pleasant when you find your hair turning grey during your teenage years or before its time. The hair is a part of the body. it is composed of the same kind of cells that is found in the outer layer of the skin. The sebaceous secrete an oily substance which is called sebum, which nourishes the hair, giving it lustre and blackness. Greying of hair early in life makes a person look older than their age and it is very unpleasant if you are particular about your appearance. If you are over 35, then you should know its normal when grey hairs start to appear in your head. But if you are anywhere less than 35, and greying of hair takes place anywhere from the early teens to before 35, then you know for sure it is premature greying. Grey hair is caused by the gradual reduction of melanin production in your hair follicle. Melanin gives colour and smoothness to your hair. The degree of darkness depends upon the melanin that each hair contains. When there is less melanin, the hair loses its darkness and starts to change colour.

Causes Of Premature Greying Of Hair:
1. Inadequate Nutrition: In other words faulty diet. One of the primary causes of premature greying is improper nutrition intake. Lack of vitamin b, iron, iodine and copper in daily diet are the contributing factors.
2. Stress: Mental worries produces extraordinary tension in the skin of the scalp, this interferes with the supply of vital nutrition necessary for the health of the hair.
3. Hereditary: It means that it runs in the family. Hereditary is one susceptible factor for premature greying. You will notice that in some families, they start greying from a similar age, it can be the teens or the early 20s.
4. Too much colouring: If you are using too much of colour on your hair, which has high chemical content, then it causes greying of the hair. Henna can be used as an option instead of colour.
5. Medical Conditions: Medical conditions can be blamed for premature greying. Conditions like thyroid imbalance, vitamin B12 deficiency, vitiligo and anemia are said to be some causes for premature greying.

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6. Excessive heating and using harsh shampoo: Washing the hair with hot water and using accessories like a blow dryer or a hair straightener makes the hair lose its colour and get grey. Usage of harsh shampoos contributes to premature greying.
7. Unclean Scalp: If the scalp is kept unclean and not washed, then it gets accumulated with dirt, gets oily and the roots get weakened. It prevents the blood supply to reach the hair shaft through the root. This causes premature greying.

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